COVID-19 Health Workforce Recruiting Dashboard

In partnership with the Virginia Community College System (VCCS), the Nudge4 Solutions Lab at the University of Virginia identified recent graduates of health care programs who are not currently working in health care and recently stopped-out health care students near completion who could help fill critical workforce needs in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.

How to use this dashboard:

  1. To begin, select your students of interest on the right-side panel.
  2. The main panel map will update to show you how many relevant students attended/graduated from each VCCS college, and the bottom panel donut charts will display breakdowns across different groups of students. We also include information on current COVID cases (updated daily) for your reference.
  3. Hover over a college region on the map to see more information about that region in the tooltip box.
  4. Click on a region to see a more detailed breakdown of students from that college in the bottom panel.
  5. Finally, hover over sections of the breakdown charts below the map to see more plain-speak explanations of that statistic.
Hover over the breakdown charts below to see more information about your selected students across Virginia, or click a region on the map to get breakdowns specific to that college area
Group Breakdown Program Breakdown
Degree Breakdown
1 Daily COVID-19 case data from the Virginia Department of Health.
2 Data on general hospital beds by county collected and graciously shared by Fredric Blavin & Diane Arnos (2020) at the Urban Institute. Note that these estimates do not include specialty, children's, or federal hospitals (e.g. Department of Defense); please see their full article for more information.
Groups Included
Degree Levels Included
Programs Included